Sorry blog fans… Its been a while… The Brocks have been running around and we are finally able to sit and breathe for a spell. We are almost to our 5th month of marriage! Can you even believe it? Life has been happening so fast.
Life highlights from the Brocks:
1. We found a church!!! Our search has almost ended. God has been leading us to join and begin learning and growing at McKinney Fellowship Bible Church! We love it and invite you to join us if you are ever in the area.
2. Buddy is still lazy. See pic below!

3. Our house is STILL on the market, but we have been blessed with a wonderful new realtor and we know that it is all about Gods timing. See pics below of the top 3 houses that we have on our list for the Brock casa as of today!

4. We were featured in a Bridal Magazine! :) It’s on newsstands! Grab it! Brides of North Texas
Life highlights from the Brocks:
1. We found a church!!! Our search has almost ended. God has been leading us to join and begin learning and growing at McKinney Fellowship Bible Church! We love it and invite you to join us if you are ever in the area.
2. Buddy is still lazy. See pic below!

3. Our house is STILL on the market, but we have been blessed with a wonderful new realtor and we know that it is all about Gods timing. See pics below of the top 3 houses that we have on our list for the Brock casa as of today!

4. We were featured in a Bridal Magazine! :) It’s on newsstands! Grab it! Brides of North Texas
5. I, Corrie, got to watch my sister birth 7 babies! She is the best OB/GYN in the country if you ask me (but I might be a little bias). See facebook for a pic!
Now, on to juicy details of the Brock world, well not really. Everyone keeps asking, “So, what’s different now that you are married?” So we present to you the Top 3 Things That We Have Noticed Since We’ve Been Married:
1. The bed is made. I, Corrie, have never ever made my bed, on purpose. My philosophy was that I was going to get right back in it in 12 or so hours so what is the point? Marcus, however, grew up making his bed. SO…. I make the bed on the days that I don’t have boot camp. (Yes, mom, it is true)
2. Marcus has a wife, and I have a husband. I know what you are saying, duh, y’all got married. But its totally deeper than that. There is a deep connection to each other that has grown so much in the past 5 months, that I am almost nervous to think about how it will be 80 years from now. God is shaping and molding and testing and growing us into the couple that He wants us to be and we are humbly up for the challenge.
3. Everyone wants us to have babies, like tomorrow. Can we get a few minutes please?? Little Brock-lis will come at some point in time. But really, be careful what you ask for. Carbon copies of Marcus and Corrie, though adorable, might be a lot to handle, and we will drop them off at your house! Oh yes, your house! Until then, we have Bud-bud the dud. (See above)
God is amazing. You all know that. But in the past 5 months, He has shown us some powerful things.
1. He is a Healer.
2. He always provides.
3. His plan is always perfect.
4. He uses different vessels to meet needs that you didn’t even know you had.
Now we won’t bore you with the details of how He has shown us these things. Instead we will challenge you to see how these things have become apparent in your lives. Remembering these powerful affirmations release all anxiety and fear in any situation that you are facing. We pray that God continues to bless you through the good, the bad, and the ugly.
We promise to update the blog on a more frequent basis and we hope that these updates were good enough to wet your appetite!
The Brocks
The Brocks